Completed Projects of the Junior Research Group Schwenk

Project "Exergaming for CIPN"


National Institute on Aging, USA


Interactive sensor-based balance training in older cancer Patients with Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A randomized controlled trial.

Project description:
Cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) have deficits in sensory and motor skills leading to inappropriate proprioceptive feedback, impaired postural control, and fall risk. Balance training programs specifically developed for CIPN patients are lacking. This proof-of-concept study investigated the acceptability and effect of an interactive motor adaptation balance training program based on wearable sensors for improving balance in older cancer patients with CIPN. 

Project partners:
Prof. Dr. Bijan Najafi, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA   
Dr. Linda Garland, Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona, AZ, USA
Dr. Michael Schwenk, NAR, Heidelberg University

Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2020-06-07
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