Nursing Science


Hoben Matthias

Matthias Hoben - Diplom-Pflegewirt (FH); Gesundheits- & Pflegewissenschaften, M.Sc.

Network Aging Research
Bergheimer Straße 20
D-69115 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 (0)6221 54 81 40

Fellows: Prof. Dr. Johann Behrens, Prof. Dr. Andreas Kruse

Measuring organizational context and research use in German nursing homes – Translation, adaptation and psychometric testing of the Alberta Context Tool (ACT) and the Research Use (RU) Measure

In Germany up to 70% of the persons with Dementia enter a nursing home during the progress of their disease. Up to 60% of the people who live in German nursing homes have some kind of dementia. These persons are thus particularly affected by quality problems in this setting. Especially evidence based practice (EBP) is an important condition to ensure appropriate quality of care. However, many serious discrepancies between what is known from research and what is done in health care practice have been detected across different countries, settings and disciplines. Regarding this, the setting of residential LTC is no exception, just as little as is the care of persons with Dementia in particular.

Efforts to improve EBP (e.g. implementing clinical guidelines, providing continuing education or performing quality improvement or organizational development activities) are often described as challenging. Manifold barriers, actors and conflicting, heterogeneous interests make the implementation of innovations/changes in health organizations a complex, multi-layered, highly unpredictable process which is very difficult to manage.

Dissemination and implementation research (DIR) seeks to identify the multiple factors that facilitate or impede implementation processes, to understand their complex interactions and to find ways to influence the implementation success positively and sustainably. Regrettably, TIR has been sparse in residential LTC so far. But whereas there are big studies underway at the international level, that aim to decrease this gap (e. g. Translating Research in Elder Care (TREC), Safer Care for Older Persons (in residential) Environments (SCOPE), Older Persons' Transitions in Care (OPTIC) or Facilitating Implementation of Research Evidence (FIRE)), there are no comparable projects in Germany yet. One important reason for this is, that there are no valid, reliable and practicable standardized assessment instruments in German language to collect suitable data on the complex influencing factors and research use/implementation fidelity.

The ACT and the RU Measure, developed in canada, are such instruments. There is some promising evidence of their practicability and psychometric appropriateness. They have been used in the above mentioned studies. To join up to the high international level of DIR and to investigate the complex organizational context factors in German residential LTC facilities and their relationship with research use, the two instruments will be translated into German, adapted to the specific conditions of German residential LTC and their practicability and psychometric properties will be tested. The translation and adaptation process will follow international scientific best pactice guidelines.


  • Hoben, M.; Becker, C.; Behrens, J. (in prep.). Implementierungsprozesse in der stationären Langzeitpflege am Beispiel des Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI): Interpretativ-rekonstruktive Analyse der Perspektive von Führungspersonen.
  • Hoben, M.; Mayeres, M.; Neumeyer, C.; Zimmermann, G.; Selinger, Y.; Becker, C. (in prep.). Implementierung und Anwendung des Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) in deutschen Einrichtungen der stationären Langzeitpflege: Interpretativ-rekonstruktive Analyse des Erlebens Pflegender.
  • Hoben, M. (in prep.). Angewiesenheit und Selbstdarstellung: Über die Bemühungen pflegebedürftiger Menschen, nicht aus dem Rahmen zu fallen. In Reuschenbach, B.; Mahler, C.; Müller, E.; Berendonk, C.; Hoben, M. (Hrsg.) (in prep.). Beiträge der AG Pflegeforschung Rhein-Neckar: Sammelband II.
  • Reuschenbach, B.; Mahler, C.; Müller, E.; Berendonk, C.; Hoben, M. (Hrsg.) (in prep.). Beiträge der AG Pflegeforschung Rhein-Neckar: Sammelband II.
  • Hoben, M. (2010). Implementierungsprozesse am Beispiel des Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI): Interpretativ-rekonstruktive Analyse der Perspektive von Führungspersonen. Master-Thesis. Institut für Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
  • Reuschenbach, B.; Mahler, C.; Müller, E.; Berendonk, C.; Hoben, M. (Hrsg.). (2009). Brücken bauen: Beiträge der AG Pflegeforschung Rhein-Neckar. Stuttgart: DBFK.
  • Kruse, A.; Bär, M.; Hoben, M. (2008). Spielräume und Barrieren für gute Pflege: Erfassung subjektiver Theorien Pflegender über individuelle Tätigkeitsspielräume zur Verwirklichung guter Qualität in der Altenpflege. Fachlicher Abschlussbericht.
  • Hoben, M. (2007). „Man muss ja zufrieden sein …“ – Über die Bemühungen pflegebedürftiger Menschen, nicht aus dem Rahmen zu fallen: Reflexion eines Workshops. In Heckenhahn, M.; Berendonk, C. (Hrsg.) (2007). Aufbruch unter Vorbehalt: Tagungsband der 11. studentischen Fachtagung der OStiPuG – Fulda 2006 (S. 151-160). Fulda: pg-paper.
  • Hoben, M. (2007). Angewiesenheit und Selbstdarstellung: Über die Bemühungen pflegebedürftiger Menschen, nicht aus dem Rahmen zu fallen. Diplomarbeit. Hochschule Esslingen.


2001 Registered nurse; Vocational training: Kliniken Ludwigsburg Bietigheim gGmbH
2001-2004 Work as registered nurse in several different fields of nursing: hospital (urology, internal medicine, surgical critical care), home care, neurological early rehabilitation, nursing home care
2004-2007 Diplom Pflegewirt (FH) [Nursing/Nursing Management], University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen/Neckar. Title of the diploma-thesis: Dependency and presentation of self: About the efforts of people in need of care, not to stick out unpleasantly
2007-2008 Initially research assistant, then research associate at the Institute for Gerontology (IfG), Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg/Neckar. Research project: Margins and barriers for good nursing care: Acquisition of nurses‘ subjective theories concerning their individual margins to realize good quality in the care of older people
2007-2008 Freelance work as counselor for quality assurance and quality development in long term care
2008-2010 Research assistant at the Institute for Health- and Nursing Science, Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg. Research project: Implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) as a quality development and management instrument in German long term care
2008-2010 Master of ScienceHealth and Nursing Science at the Institutefor Health and nursing Science, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. Title of the master-thesis: Implementation processes in German inpatient long term care institutions, taking the example of Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI): Interpretative-reconstructive analysis of leader’s perspective
since 7/2010 Member of the NAR „Graduate Program Dementia“, Heidelberg University  
since 5/2014 Postdoctoral Fellows, Knowledge Utilization Studies Program (KUSP), Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Canada

















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Latest Revision: 2014-11-03