Educational Science
Florian Bödecker - Diplom-Pädagoge
Network Aging Research
Bergheimer Straße 20
D-69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0)6221 54 81 20
Fellows: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Tippelt, Prof. Dr. Andreas Kruse
Couple conflicts in dementia
Due to higher life expectancy, spouses are more likely than in the past to assume the task of caring for each other when one partner develops dementia. Previously, research on family caregiving was predominantly influenced by the stress and burden paradigms and theoretically by the underlying stress process models. Within such framework, the person with dementia was seen only as the passive care recipient who causes problems for the caretaker. Although research on caregiver burden has taken aspects of relational stress into account as “primary stressors“ or “context variables“, such as challenging behaviour, relational deprivation and relationship quality, it is normally seen as a direct consequence of the cognitive impairment and not explained by relationship dynamics.
The “dyadic perspective“ only recently gained importance and the relationship as such has come into focus because relationship quality is crucial for the well-being of both the caregiver and the care recipient. But, even where research focuses on the relationship between both partners, the dyadic perspective, which considers both partners perspectives and needs, is often not thoroughly taken into account. This is vital when one assumes that reaching an understanding and a trusting collaboration implies an awareness of the point of view of the other.
The aim of this study is therefore to investigate how couple conflicts can be explained from the perspectives of both partners and their respective needs and interests. How are they influenced by the living conditions older couples have to face? What is helpful in dealing with each other, or what might aggravate the conflict?
- Bödecker, F. (2015). Wie forschen mit Menschen mit Demenz? Probleme, Lösungen und offene Fragen. In A. Schneider, D. Molnar, S. Link & M. Köttig (Hrsg.), Forschung in der Sozialen Arbeit. Grundlagen Konzepte Perspektiven (Buchreihe Theorie, Forschung und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit, S. 151–164). Leverkusen: Budrich Barbara.
- Bödecker, F. (2014). Paarkonflikte bei Demenz: Die Rolle sozialer Unterstützung, des Pflegesystems und ihre kritischwissenschaftliche Erforschung. Forum Kritische Psychologie (58), 54-69.
- Bödecker, F. (2014). Menschen mit Demenz versorgen: Ein Beispiel der Reproduktion im Kapitalismus. Forum Wissenschaft, 31 (2), 25-27.
10/1996 - 1/2004 | Studium der Erziehungswissenschaften mit der Fachrichtung Sozialpädagogik an der Universität Hildesheim und der Freien Universität Berlin. Praktikum im Heinrich-Sengelmann-Krankhaus in Barfeld-Stegen (Sozialpsychiatrie). Praktikum in einer Familienberatungsstelle in Berlin-Schöneberg. Dort Leitung einer Jungengruppe. Diplomarbeit: „Der Amoklauf von Erfurt. Widersprüche eines öffentlichen Diskurses“. Studienschwerpunkte: Kritische Psychologie, Medienpädagogik, Arbeit mit Gruppen. Geschlechtsspezifische Sozialpädagogik. |
3/2004 | Abschluß als Diplom-Pädagoge |
5/2004 - 4/2005 | Ehrenamtliche Arbeit beim Berliner Sozialforum |
5/2005 - 3/2006 | Sozialprojektmanager beim Kreativhaus e.V. in Berlin (Theaterpädagogisches Zentrum). |
4/2006 - 2/2008 | Ehrenamtliche Arbeit beim Berliner Sozialforum |
3/2008 - 1/2009 | Support worker for adult with learning disabilities in Beaconsfield/England |
2/2009 - 9/2009 | Befriender for adults with mental health problems in High Wycombe/England |
10/2009 - 7/2010 | Mental health social worker with the Cambridge City Community Mental Health Team for Older People |
since 8/2010 | Member of the NAR „Graduate Program Dementia“, Heidelberg University |