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Basic Biological Research and Medical Aging Research

The core of the research area consists of:

  • Chair for molecular biology – ZMBH/Faculty for bioscience (University of Heidelberg): Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Beyreuther
  • Branch – gerontopsychiatry with a chair for clinical psychiatry of the medical faculty Heidelberg (University of Heidelberg)
  • Research groups of both medical faculties (University of Heidelberg)
  • Chair for epidemiology of diseases and functional restrictions in advanced age (DKFZ): Prof. Dr. Hermann Brenner as well as
  • Chair for gerontological psychiatry (ZI Mannheim): Prof. Dr. Lutz Frölich

More research groups may and should be added. This concerns, in particular, but not conclusively, the research groups of both medical faculties of the University of Heidelberg (working group Medical Aging Research) and bioscientific research groups of the University of Heidelberg as well as DKFZ research groups. The decision of who will be admitted is made by the leaders of each research group.


Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2020-09-28