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Gerlach, C., Haas, L., Greinacher, A., Lantelme, J., Guenther, M., Thiesbonenkamp-Maag, J., Alt-Epping, B., & Wrzus, C. (2024). My virtual escape from patient life: A feasibility study on the experiences and benefits of individualized virtual reality for inpatients in palliative cancer care. BMC Palliative Care, 23(1), 247.
Roos, Y., Krämer, M. D., Richter, D., & Wrzus, C. (2024). Persons in contexts: The role of social networks and social density for the dynamic regulation of face-to-face interactions in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 10.1037/pspp0000512. Advance online publication.
Schönstein A. (2024). (Re-) Defining "Successful Aging" as the endpoint in clinical trials? Current methods, challenges, and emerging solutions. The Gerontologist, gnae058. Advance online publication.
Wrzus, C., Frenkel, M. O., & Schöne, B. (2024). Current opportunities and challenges of immersive virtual reality for psychological research and application. Acta Psychologica, 249, 104485.
Di, 25.03.2025 | 17:00 Uhr |
NAR-Seminar: Altern in verschiedenen Kulturen Dr. Fanja Riedel-Wendt, Dr. Swetlana Torno, Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer Sauerborn Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wrzus | |
Di, 09.09.2025 | 17:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wrzus |