Gerontology/Care and Ethics

Ritzi Neu GrDr. Sebastian Ritzi - Gerontology/Care and Ethics
Netzwerk AlternsfoRschung
Bergheimer Straße 20
69115 Heidelberg

Tel: +49 (0)6221 54 8184

Fellows: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Kruse, Prof. Dr. Thomas Klie


(Physical) Restraints on Geriatric Patients in Clinical Care

The set of problems regarding the use of (physical) restraints on geriatric patients is ever present. Not only in residential and ambulatory long-term care settings, but also – and in particular – in every-day clinical care, measures that limit freedom of movement and cannot be removed by persons affected are applied daily. Using this particular form of violence unthinkingly proves to be problematic from the perspective of law, ethics and nursing expertise – especially when it comes to clinical care for people with dementia. To what extent can
(physical) restraints be justified according to nursing expertise and how can (physical) restraints be reconciled with the freedoms grounded in human dignity? This study focusses on the extent and types of and also the motives for (physical) restraints. The questions of how the application of (physical) restraints can be legitimized, and which explanations or justifications the people involved (the person affected, doctors, nursing staff, legal guardians and relatives) come up with, are of particular interest. What knowledge do those involved have? Moreover, under which circumstances do they act according to the principle of proportionality, and how can it be ensured that (physical) restraints remain the ultima ratio? The object is to develop recommendations for action regarding the use of (physical) restraints in every-day clinical care via an interdisciplinary perspective and under consideration of national and international research.


Publications / Peer-reviewed

  • Ritzi, S., & Kruse, A. (2019). Dignity, freedom, embodiment: Ethical categories concerning the use of freedom-depriving measures in people with dementia in acute care settings [Würde, Freiheit, Leiblichkeit: Ethische Kategorien bei der Anwendung freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen bei Menschen mit Demenz im Akutkrankenhaus]. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 52(Suppl 4), 243–248.


Publications / Non-peer-reviewed

  • Ritzi, S., Narchi, J., (2019): „Freiheitseinschränkende Maßnahmen bei Menschen mit kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen im Akutkrankenhaus“. Geriatrie up2date, 1(3), 267-280.
  • Ritzi, S., Ensink, G., (2019): „Sorge (Care) und sorgende Gemeinschaft (caring community): Eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe“. Impu!se für Gesundheitsförderung, 103, 5-6.
  • Ritzi, S., Schneider, J. (2019): „Freiheitsentziehende Maßnahmen in der stationären Langzeitpflege – wie begegnet man ihnen mit Haltung?“. Seniorenheim-Magazin. Fachmagazin für Einkauf und Management, 2, 50-51.
  • Ritzi, S., Ensink, G., (2013): „Schlafen wie zu Hause“, in: Altenpflege: Vorsprung durch Wissen, Bd. 38, H. 2, S. 36-38.



since 02/2019   Research associate and student advisor, Institute of Gerontology, Heidelberg University
2018 - 2021   Member of the Graduate Program „People with Dementia in Acute-care Hospitals”, Heidelberg University
since 2018   Academic assistant, Institute of Gerontology, Heidelberg University
since 2014   Nursing expert activities for several guardianship courts
since 2013   External nursing expert for the home supervisory authorities, Heilbronn
2012 - 2013   Graduate Course Fitness Coach for Seniors, University of Konstanz
seit 2012   Activities as a lecturer in areas of basic and advanced training and the further development in nursing
2011 - 2017   Student assistant, Institute of Gerontology, Heidelberg University
2011 - 2017   Studies in 1. Gerontology/ Care, state examination (university degree), 2. Philosophy/ Ethics, state examination (university degree), for the teaching qualification in vocational schools and upper secondary level, Heidelberg University
2010 - 2011   Further training in gerontological-psychiatric nursing, Steinen
2010   Further training in quality management for long-term care facilities and ambulatory care, Steinen
2009 - 2017   Professional activities as a geriatric nurse in several long-term care facilities and ambulatory care
2006 - 2009   Training in professional geriatric nursing, Radolfzell








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Latest Revision: 2022-12-29
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